Because the coronavirus pandemic doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon, and because there are so many restrictions placed on churches and Zen sanghas (cleaning, distancing, masking, etc.), we’ve decided to remain closed to the public.
We will continue to sit privately. And we may even do what many have done – resort to using Zoom, the free videoconferencing app. But, for now, we will keep it low profile until interest seems to be there to use Zoom. (In other words, if enough people ask us to set up our laptop and go online, we will do so.)
Now is an opportune time to practice meditation, focus, clarity of thought, compassion, and love.
So we hope you continue to pursue those heart-opening disciplines.
By the way, our wonderful sangha in Australia – Forest Way Zen – has recently gone online via Zoom. So you may wish to visit them if you’re hankering for online sittings.