We believe the prescription for nurturing love can be simply stated, but requires a lifetime to practice:
1. Meditation/contemplation to tap into the source of love
2. Allow love to dispel hate in our own hearts, first
3. From the position of a hate-free heart, we can help make the world a more loving place
If you’re interested in…
- Learning more about Zen
- Taking Precepts (becoming a Buddhist)
- Deepening your Zen practice (which may include entering into a formal teacher/student relationship, which includes koan training)
- Meditation instruction
- Contemplation
- Spiritual guidance
- Coaching
- Intensive Zen training with a strong emphasis on compassion and love
- Discovering what “only love dispels hate” might mean in your life
…please contact us via e-mail at one of these addresses:
Rev. Charama Bhavika: charama (at) onlylovezensangha (dot) org.
Rev. Chasayk: chasayk (at) onlylovezensangha (dot) org.
If you’re not sure who you want to talk to, just send an e-mail to our general mailbox:
hello (at) onlylovezensangha (dot) org.
Use @ for “(at)” and . for “(dot)” and your e-mails should reach us just fine.
NOTE: We aren’t holding any services for the time being. None in person, none via Zoom.